Senior Citizen Discounts Available In Los Cabos

The National Institute for Older Adults (INAPAM) offers discounts in many areas including products and services. Here in Los Cabos, qualifying seniors, age 60 or older, may enjoy discounts such as 50% off property taxes, 50% off municipal water service, discounts on prescription medicines, and other services.

How to get your COVID-19 test while visiting Los Cabos?

Getting your COVID-19 test in Los Cabos is S A F E Starting on January 26, 2021, all air travelers flying to the United States will be required to present proof of a negative COVID-19 test administered within three days prior to their international departure.

5 reasons to move to todos santos

5 Reasons To Move To Todos Santos: Imagine a place where the weather is perfect, the food delicious, the neighbors are friendly, vast undeveloped land surrounded by ocean, desert, tropical palm trees and not so distant mountains. A place where time seems to slow down.

Property Taxes in Los Cabos

January in Mexico is more than just pleasant weather. It is time to pay property taxes and to receive a twenty percent discount. Mexican property taxes are known as predial, and like most other counties and municipalities, these taxes are used to operate local governments.