Why Los Cabos? 

I feel very grateful to have been able to live and work in almost every main coastal tourist destination in Mexico and to have traveled to countless others. Mexico is my adopted country and I’m proud to call myself a full time resident. 

What to expect when buying Real Estate in Baja

By Jorge M. Conde, ESQ. What to expect when buying Real Estate in Baja: After the preliminary agreement has been signed, the closing agent (broker, attorney or real estate professional) will assist in the purchase process. Property title search, appraisals, finance approval, visual inspections, etc. are usually performed before the closing date.

Two Cabo Father Day Stories

As far back as I can remember my father was always looking for the perfect place to escape. He would take the family on day trips up to the mountains and we would spend the entire time looking at property for sale. I would love to listen to him talk about what kind of house he would build and what he would do with the land.

The Gateway to Paradise

The Gateway to Paradise: It was way back in the 16th century when Hernán Cortés discovered by mistake this unprecedented paradise and thought it was an island. Up until Francisco de Ulloa (another famous Spanish sailor) named it after him as the “Sea of Cortés”.

it´s all in the details

Its all in the details: They say Todos Santos is a Pueblo Magico but what is it that makes it so magical? So many things…where do I start?